Website Management

All websites managed by CSUF users are required to coordinate website details as well as ATI scan data to the Campus.  Information Technology has created web services, a collection of online request forms and tools, which will help you to communicate changes back to central IT so we can make sure the right people are contacted with any website issues.


Websites for campus

A website in good standing not only passes ATI standards but also has current personnel data.  The Websites For Campus section covers process of what it means to have a website at CSU Fullerton.  We understand that not all updating a website personnel and help identify the roles each member contributes to website content and the ATI process.    


Running Scans & Passing Sites

The Campus requires websites be scanned regularly for ATI compliancy and uses Compliance Sheriff to automate site scans.  We have documented the process which will teach you to identify issues and how to understand how best to correct them.

After a website has been resolved of any ATI issues you need to report that success back to IT by uploading the results from Compliance Sheriff. 

Periodically sites will be manually evaluated by members of the ATI group.  In these scans we start with the results of Compliance Sheriff but will also use the Wave plug-in and other tools to help us better determine if there are issues not caught by Compliance Sheriff.  As with any automated tool some issues cannot be verified which is why you'll see manual verification items.  When an issue is found from the manual scan it is noted and the website personnel will receive an email identifying the problems.  These issues will the responsibility of site owners to modify.  Larger issues which are Campus template related will be updated centrally and fixed when the site is updated. 

For site owners who do not use the Campus template these issues will be expected to be fixed by the web team members.  ATI team members can always be consulted when troubleshooting issues related to compliancy.